I copied and pasted below an email exchange I had with a potential customer that I think may contain some helpful information for everyone regarding shower maintenance, shower issues, waterproofing, leak prevention and an understanding in to grout and caulk. ( I just removed any identifying details of customer)
hello here are the pics of my bath- looking to have the grout cleaned and resealed – the shower is 32.5 x 60 inch. Depending on the quote would like to get the work done by 3/7 if possible.
Thanks let me know-
Your shower looks like its in good condition and does not need any work. Although not necessary if you want we can remove your caulking and making the seam a bit smaller and aesthetically pleasing although again it is not necessary.
Hi David- thanks for the quick response, what Im worried about is the seal on the grout deteriorating, the condo was built in 89 and water leaks are a big problem when they happen. Im on the third floor and have had like 4 water issues, the last one I had to pay was 3k (I have a large deductible because of a major water claim 40k 8 yrs ago). Also we had an email for the HOA about improper grouting causing water leaks so wanted to get it taken care of. I think that I was under the impression that grout is porous and after a while even though it looks ok it isn’t? Is this me just being over anxious ? Also I figured the caulking does need to be redone so why not get it all done at the same time.
Let me know, I appreciate your honesty thanks-