Leaking showers can be a real problem for homeowners and recreational facilities. Sometimes just some grout or caulk repair is necessary. But sometimes it requires more work than just that. Typical sealers are not designed for 100% waterproofing. When proper waterproofing material such as fiberglass or a rubber membrane was not properly installed underneath the tile, that creates a potential leaking issue. Typically, the only way to resolve this is to rip out the shower and redo the whole thing. However, we have a cutting edge solution to avoid a rip out and save a lot of money. We can install clear membrane that can leave your shower intact and completely waterproof it. It bonds directly on top of the tile surface and does not alter the appearance of the tile in most showers. This coating can be used in steamrooms for gyms and locker rooms. It can be used for interior and exterior applications. We service all of NJ and surrounding areas. Call Today at (732) 994-9681 for a free on phone consultation and leak analysis.