Grout, Honing Stone & Trump-NJ

Grout, Honing Stone & Trump-NJ

Enough with tile and grout cleaning and sealing talk. In this post I will veer a bit off in to some politics and maybe will find my way back to marble polishing and stone refinishing stuff. I am a fan of Donald Trump. I think he would be the most likely candidate to make america great again. Here is why. 1. He gets things done ! Even in the private sector you cannot take this for granted but imagine an efficient government ! I don’t believe any other presidential candidate will cause an upheaval in the ridiculously wasteful fashion our government conducts its operations. 2. He knows how to deal with people and employees. He will hire the right people to run the government not the next politician in line and he can manage a large operation effectively. If you are not a business owner or in a managerial position you may not realize how critical management skills are. But if you are you need no explanation. Put it this way if you are looking for a professional stone restoration company to diamond hone your travertine or limestone you want the company owner doing the work not an employee but in big companies where thew boss can’t do it himself he has to know how to get it done effectively through someone else. 3. He does not need anyone’s money so that already allows him to seek that which is good for the country not to use the country to line his pockets. 4. Republicans  in washington dc are not effective in getting anything done. Even candidates like Ted Cruz may seem dedicated to doing things but his hands are tied by the media. Do not think for a second that if Ted Cruz was president that would help. If the house or senate is not a republican majority he will get nothing done.  Even if he  has a republican congress and senate I believe his policies and ideas will not come to fruition. The media keeps any republican in check and unless you can reach over them to the american people and win public opinion despite the media you will be be made in to chop meat by the media and you will be an ineffective president. Even if you just ignore their criticism, the senators and congressmen will not. So to get things through congress you need either the media or public opinion. Donald Trump is the only one in recent history that has successfully demonstrated this ability. Not only that can’t you see a President Trump embarrassing congressmen on Twitter as to which donor caused them to not support a bill. I think he will prove to get important things done and make sure no one can stop him. Grout Works of Central NJ serves most of NJ including Monmouth, Ocean, Middlesex and Mercer County