Can Tiles have No Grout Lines ? Groutless & Seamless Flooring Options

Floors Without Grout ? Some people prefer floors without grout. There is no question that a floor that is completely level is easier to clean than a floor that has a ridges and indentations (ie grout lines) throughout the floor. Two popular choices are wood and vinyl flooring. However both wood and vinyl do not do well when exposed to water and they scratch and wear easily due to their softness. Is their an option that has durability like tile but has no grout lines ? Their actually is. A very popular floor both in high end homes and in showrooms is polished concrete and epoxy flooring. These floors are actually poured and spread creating a durable seamless floor. They have the durability for high traffic and are completely waterproof. I believe that in the future most  schools, malls, stores and a large number of homes will have poured floors as this flooring is becoming extremely popular in modern building. In future articles we will discuss various benefits and downsides of poured flooring. Grout Works Specializes in all aspects of Tile, Grout & Stone Restoration,Cleaning, Sealing, Polishing & in Installation of Poured Seamless Flooring. Grout Works can be reached at (732)...

Is there Truly A Stain Proof Grout ?

Does their exist stain proof grout ? Many grout manufacturers have come out in recent years with what they claim is stain proof grout. These grouts are made of materials like acrylic and urethane as opposed to regular cement. In fact they are much less absorbent than regular grout. However they are not completely stainproof. I have seen these grouts stain as well and could not be restored by cleaning. Although they seem superior to regular grout there has been a serious issue with their installation. Tile installers have been having tremendous difficulty in removing the grout residue from tile floors even smooth tiles. Grout Works has been hired a number of times to remove the residue and haze left on the tiles from these grouts. Home owners have expressed frustration that after paying a lot more money for “better” grout they ended up with a mess. There are various types of grouts and sometimes it is worth investing the money in a specific type of grout for specific settings and environments. Some grouts perform better in certain environments than others. One example would be using a quality epoxy grout like Laticrete Spectralock  for wet environments like pools, showers and steam rooms. However,  for cleaning purposes the sealer we use on gout makes grout easier to clean than any “stain proof” grout we have come across. We encourage everyone to do  your proper due diligence and research before purchasing a more expensive...

Can Wood Look Tile Really Look Like Wood ? The Importance of Grout Color,

The most popular tile today especially in kitchens, basements or playrooms is wood look tile. Wood look plank tiles have an elegant look yet can be very practical and easy to maintain. The of porcelain and generally are very durable tile that will not crack or chip easily. Wood look tile is used and suitable for residential homes as well as upscale commercial venues. There are a few options in size of the planks and many color options. Colors can range from the white, beige and tan shades all the way up to a dark gray and dark brown even charcoal black. The beauty of the style is the appearance of wood and the natural character of wood as opposed to a factory patterned design that is common in most tiles. However to truly have that genuine wood appearance the grout color is crucial. If the grout color does not blend, the whole natural effect of that wood look is lost and you are simply left with a regular patterned tile look. However many times it is quite difficult to get the grout color to blend just right with the tiles. Many timers during the course of construction the grout may lighten permanently  from white construction dust. This is much more noticeable when the grout was supposed to be a dark color like gray.  Grout Works can customize an exact color match and actually stain the grout to blend perfectly even if the original grout color did not blend in to the tiles as you would have liked. Better yet, the new color can be sealed so you will...

Grout Color For Wood Look Tile

Nowadays one of the most popular tiles installed is a porcelain wood look tile planks. These tiles come in rectangle planks just like wood flooring but are made of porcelain as opposed to wood. Unlike wood flooring which scratches, scuffs, is water sensitive and needs to be refinished periodically, porcelain tiles can last a lifetime with little maintenance. The benefit of that natural wood grain look without the maintenance required of wood flooring make these tiles extremely popular. However, one commonly overlooked factor is the grout lines. To achieve a true genuine wood look the grout lines must blend seamlessly or else it just reverts back to the standard tile and grout look. However matching grout colors exactly to a tile is very difficult. Many times the actual grout color looks different than the sample swab or stick you may have used to choose the grout. Once grout is put in it is very difficult to remove and replace with a different color grout without making a lot of dust and risking chipped tiles.  Grout Works of Central NJ offers a solution that we have done for thousands of homeowners in NJ. We can actually stain an existing grout to the exact color of the tiles. We actually customize a stain on site to match the tiles seamlessly so that we can make the grout color the exact one that will match perfectly to the tiles. The stain we use cannot be discerned that it is in the grout and the grout looks completely natural. See the pictures in this post of some wood look tiles we have changed...

Cracked Grout Caulking, Grout Repair, Shower Leaks Services in NJ

What was probably not done and should be done asap in your new construction home ? One of the most common things that are not done in many new construction homes in Lakewood is proper caulking around bathtubs and other areas that get wet.  Many times, even in high end homes, caulking was never done and at best there is only grout in the seams. I have been called many times due to leaking in ceilings because of this reason. Generally, any seam that connects 2 surfaces and is exposed to water should be caulked. These are the most common places of cracked grout and gaps for water to leak that need to be caulked:     1. Where the bathtub meets the bathroom floor and shower walls. 2. Where the shower walls meet with   each other. 3. Where the bathroom tile floor meets the walls. 4. Around toilets and sinks. 5. Between the backsplash and countertop. Even in homes that were caulked by the builder many times they were not caulked with proper silicone caulk and are not waterproof. These acrylic caulks tend to peel quickly and get moldy. Sometimes people tell me they don’t want caulk because it gets moldy or it looks ugly. The truth is they have never seen a truly professional caulk job using premium grade silicone. Caulk only gets moldy if water gets behind it. If all the grout and caulk is done properly there is no reason caulk should be moldy with reasonable use of a shower. Caulk gets a bad rap due to rampant poor quality work. We special order premium grade 100%...

Lakewood Tile & Grout Cleaning & Grout Sealing & Color Staining Service Company

On New Years Eve of 2016 we cleaned these kitchen tiles and grout lines in the Four Seasons Retired Community in Lakewood NJ. After deep cleaning the tiles and grout and removing the dirt and grime we actually stained the grout color to refresh the color to blend beautifully with the tiles. We sealed the grout as well so  cleaning afterward will be much easier. We guarantee our seal and that grout sealed by us is 100% stain proof. No water or any liquid will absorb in to the grout. Rather it will just float on top. This process can be done typically on various types of tile floor surfaces as well as shower walls as well as backsplashes. By cleaning and coloring your grout your floor can look brand new without any mess and almost no downtime. Grout Coloring or Grout Staining is a cutting edge method used to refresh grout. When done professionally and properly it makes the grout color greatly enhanced and maximizes the beauty and appearance of the tile floor. The difference in our pictures and various other companies is very stark. One of the reasons why our work is exceptional is because of our mastery of the art of  grout coloring, staining and sealing. Many years of experience hone our technique both in terms of color choice as well as customizing and mixing colors for exceptional results. Don’t wait for the spring time to get your floor done ! We can make your tile floor look brand new tomorrow without replacing it ! This is an outstanding alternative option to replacing a floor and...